If you know Henry’s lever action rifles, you’ll be right at home with these small-game-getters. There are times and places where a 20 or a 12 is just too much gun, and for those times and places, the .410 may be the ideal way to go. The H018G-410R is a more versatile and compact package featuring a 20″ barrel, with a cylinder bore “choke”, simply a tapered constriction of the gun barrel’s bore at the muzzle end, and our standard adjustable semi-buckhorn rear and brass bead front sights. The weight’s easier to tote over a long afternoon on foot, with the shorter round barrel working easier through brush and other tight terrains where shots are expected to be close and fast. The adjustable sights make it easy to regulate patterns with a variety of birdshot and slugs to handle anything from small game birds such as partridge and pigeons through cottontails to fox and coyotes, varmints, and pest control.
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